
Skill Development

Bihar is not only a major source of migrant workers in the country, migrant labour is also one of most important sources of livelihood for households in rural Bihar. As per a survey, about 55% of households have at least one migrant worker. More than 90% of migrant workers work outside Bihar, with a little over 85% working in urban areas outside Bihar, especially in construction and manufacturing sectors. The Skill Development Program for Migrant Labor and their Families initiated by GPSVS is a comprehensive and impactful initiative aimed at addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by migrant laborers and their families and empower these vulnerable populations, reduce exploitation, and enhance their socio-economic status.

Key Activities

  • Conduct Off Farm and On Farm based trade skill building training
  • Map out Relevant Gov. Program & entitlements in target area such as Coordination & linkages with line departments-PDS, MDM, ICDS, PMGAY, MGNREGA, Pension Scheme, GPDP, Insurance Scheme, BSDMA, PMFBY, PMSNY, Aayushman Yojna
  • Organize community level capacity building trainings on Gov. Schemes & Programs
  • Build capacities of CSOs on engaging with media and fund raising.
  • Develop training modules for community leaders and publication of IEC materials
  • Provide fellowships for local community leaders & Journalists.
  • Organize public information campaigns, workshops, dialogues, interface sessions & advocacy events