Comprehensive School Safety Program

Patna, the capital city of Bihar, and its adjacent districts are prone to various natural disasters, including earthquakes, thunderstorms, floods, and road accidents. These disasters pose significant risks to the safety and well-being of the residents, especially students and teachers in schools. Therefore, it is essential to establish a Comprehensive School Safety Program that addresses disaster preparedness, risk mitigation and response strategies to safeguard the lives of students and teachers in this vulnerable region. The major natural hazards to which the State is exposed to include flood, droughts, lightning strikes, earthquakes heat wave and cold wave. Children are the most risk prone demographic group in the State. 47% population of Bihar come from the group of children. Apart from the risk of injury and death as a consequence of natural disasters, children are also exposed to the threats of post disaster violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect. In the context of this enhanced vulnerability of children to the adverse impacts of disasters, issues of school safety and child protection have become extremely important. The government of the state has acknowledged the enhanced vulnerability of its children to abuse and rights violations as the adverse impacts of disasters and emergencies. Consequently, the government of Bihar has been running the Chief Minister School safety program in Bihar since 2017 regularly. It is mandatory for government and private schools to ensure that school safety program is conducted regularly in school in the name of SAFE-SATURDAY.  

GPSVS Comprehensive School Safety Program in Patna and adjacent districts of Bihar is a vital initiative designed to address the unique disaster-related challenges faced by students, teachers, and communities in the region. By reducing the vulnerability of schools and enhancing preparedness, the program seeks to protect lives, ensure educational continuity, and contribute to the overall resilience of the community. Through this comprehensive approach, GPSVS aims to create a safer, more disaster-resilient educational environment that can serve as a model for other regions facing similar challenges.

1.    Protecting Lives and Ensuring Continuity of Education:

The primary rationale for a Comprehensive School Safety Program is to protect the lives of students and teachers. Ensuring their safety during disasters is paramount. Moreover, by safeguarding the educational infrastructure and learning environment, we can maintain continuity in education even during and after catastrophic events.

2.    Reducing Vulnerability:

Implementing such a program is essential for mitigating the vulnerability of students and teachers in a region known for its susceptibility to natural disasters. By enhancing preparedness and resilience, we can minimize the negative impact of these events.

3.    Fostering Community Resilience:

Schools are not isolated entities; they are integral parts of communities. A Comprehensive School Safety Program not only benefits students and teachers but also contributes to overall community resilience. It promotes a culture of preparedness and cooperation that extends beyond school boundaries.

4.    Compliance with National and International Guidelines:

The Government of India has endorsed various national and international frameworks related to disaster risk reduction and school safety, including the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the National Disaster Management Guidelines. Implementing a Comprehensive School Safety Program aligns with these guidelines and demonstrates a commitment to disaster resilience.

5.    Capacity Building:

By implementing the program, teachers and school staff will receive training and tools to respond effectively to disasters. This capacity-building will extend beyond schools, benefiting the entire community as trained individuals can contribute to disaster management outside the school setting.

6.    Reduction of Loss of Life and Property:

The program aims to minimize the loss of life and property by strengthening the structural integrity of school buildings, preparing for emergency response, and raising awareness about disaster risks.